Whiplash Symptoms & At Home Treatments
Whiplash is a widely known term used for neck strains. Differentiated from neck sprains, which affect the connective ligaments of the cervical vertebrae, neck strains occur when the muscles and tendons of the neck become stressed and stretched. In some cases, these muscles and tendons can even tear.
Everything You Need to Know About Microdiscectomy
The spine is a critical, yet oftentimes vulnerable, facet of the body. Composed of many collaborative components, the spine functions to support, mobilize, innervate, and cushion the body throughout our daily lives. Things do not always go smoothly, however, and the spine can run into problems. One of the most commonly experienced spinal ailments is bulging or herniated discs.
8 Healthy Eats that Reduce Inflammation
An increasingly prevalent condition, inflammation affects millions of Americans every day. Usually, when we hear the word inflammation, our brains tend to check the negative box. However, inflammation occurs as a very natural—and beneficial—reaction of your body’s...
Spinal Stenosis: Understanding Your Treatment Options
A particularly debilitating condition, spinal stenosis affects thousands and thousands of sufferers every year. Although possible with injury, spinal stenosis falls within a broad set of degenerative disorders that doctors link to aging.
How to Cope with MRI Anxiety?
MRI anxiety is most often linked to claustrophobia. And, claustrophobia is no laughing matter. In fact, this condition affects approximately 5-7% of the United States population. But, what is claustrophobia? And, how is conquering this particular fear important for spine health?
Everyday Ergonomics for Neck & Back Pain
Ergonomics is a term that we hear a lot about these days. As more and more people spend their workday sitting at a desk, we pay increasing attention to how chairs, desks, computers, and pieces of office equipment are engineered.
How to Relieve Sciatica During Pregnancy
Sciatica can be a debilitating complication for an expecting mom—making standing, sitting, or reclining in comfort an impossibility. Fortunately, there are simple solutions that can enable moms-to-be to achieve sciatica relief. The sciatic nerves are the largest nerves in the human body. Extending from the lower spine, through the hips, and down each leg, your...
New Year’s Resolutions for Chronic Back Pain
Well, it’s that time of year again… The end of one year and the beginning of another. And, as tradition would have it: it’s time to set those New Year’s resolutions! People have been marking the new year with resolutions for thousands and thousands of years. Nevertheless, in today’s culture, the resolution still is a big deal. For some, setting a resolution is energizing. For others, it’s...